Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is off to a great week.
Yesterday was extremely busy for me. I had so many errands to run and was out and about for most of the day. When I finally got home, I opened a package that came in the mail from my residency program. Along with a couple of shirts, the box contained two books to help prep for ACLS and PALS courses during orientation in a few weeks.

That smile you see on my face was met with a feeling of nervousness that came over me in a matter of minutes. It suddenly hit me that when I take my ACLS and PALS courses, as a physician and no longer a student, I would now be responsible for running a code…as the team lead! The weight of responsibility that I will face soon is already easing its way onto my shoulders.
When I was a student, and heard a code blue, my heart would start to race and my adrenaline would go from 0 to 100 real quick. I would get a bit anxious, but I also knew that the ultimate decisions were not up to me, because there was always the lead physician in charge. My involvement in the code would depend on who that physician was. Sometimes that participation included performing chest compressions during CPR, or maybe getting to intubate a patient to establish an airway, if I was lucky.
Yesterday, as I took off the plastic that the books were packaged in, the thought that I will soon be in the position as team lead humbled me, yet frightened me. Before I allowed those fears to overwhelm me, I remembered a t-shirt that I bought a couple of years ago with the words, “FAITH over FEAR.”
Without going into an entire Sunday morning sermon, I’ll just sit this here and hope it resonates with you. Never allow your trepidation to overcome your trust in God. I had to remind myself of this yesterday. If God has called you to do a purpose, trust that He will adequately equip you to do it.
Going into the first year of residency is exciting, and sometimes scary to think about; however, I am moving into it with faith and complete reliance on God.
Have a great day, and be fearless today!