Hello everyone! It’s been a while since my last post, and so much has happened in a month’s time. I’ve been extremely busy but I miss writing and wanted to give you guys an update.
Hmmmm, where do I begin? Well, just one week after moving, I graduated! Although I had fulfilled my graduation requirements back in November, it didn’t feel real until I walked across that stage. That whole weekend was full of so much excitement. My family and close friends were there to support me and celebrate with me. It felt really good to see the manifestations of years of hard work come to fruition.

The fam and friends celebrated with me on graduation night with dinner. We then headed to BQE Lounge, one of my favorite spots in Atlanta to catch live music. We arrived at BQE a bit later than expected and the band was almost finished with their set, which meant that the DJ would take over soon. Once the band wrapped up, the trap music started. Y’all, it was hilarious to see my father’s face when the rap music came on. He is not a fan of rap music, and definitely was not feeling the sounds and syllables falling on his ears. (I say syllables, because most of today’s hip-hop is trash and instead of words all you hear are sounds. I mean really, who can understand this stuff?) Anyway, I digress. His face showed a mixture of confusion and surprise. I asked if he wanted to leave and he said, “Oh nah, I’m good.” I knew he was ready to go, but the fact that he stayed just to celebrate with his baby on her big day meant so much. I jokingly told him I’d have to wash his ears out later.
The weekend following graduation, I went on vacation to Montego Bay, Jamaica with my mother, aunt, boyfriend and other friends. I am a big Bob Marley fan, and Jamaica had been on my bucket list for a while, so I was hyped. This vacation was quite an experience, to say the least.
Due to mechanical problems, flight delays, and cancellations, we didn’t make it to Montego Bay until the day after we were scheduled to arrive. Although frustrated, the moment we landed I let that frustration go. Montego Bay is absolutely beautiful, and there was no way I could not enjoy it!

I was ready and set to document my adventure with tons of photos and video from vacation. Well, so I thought. On our first day there, I ended up dropping my cell phone into the water. After that it didn’t turn on, so I was out of a camera for the rest of the trip. However, after a couple of days, I actually enjoyed not having a phone. I was disconnected from email and social media, but it felt so good to just be there in the moment, without thinking about the perfect photo to post on Instagram. Ultimately I ended up getting photos from friends, so all was well.
The excursions during the trip were amazing. One day we visited Dunn’s River Falls in Ocho Rios. The waterfalls are beautiful and with the help of guides, we were able to climb the hour plus trek from the bottom.
We also went to the Bob Marley Mausoleum in Nine Mile. If you’re a Bob Marley fan, you know about Nine Mile because he mentioned it in many of his songs. It’s the village where he was born, and is now laid to rest. This was a very important part of the trip for me. The impact that Bob and his music had on the world is extraordinary. Touring his childhood home and mausoleum reiterated the fact that his music and legacy still impact the world long after his death.
On another day we boarded a sail boat and went snorkeling in some of the most pristine waters I’ve ever seen. The water was perfect and the reef and fish were beautiful. Before heading back, the boat made a stop at the famous Margaritaville Bar and Restaurant.
Vacation was going well until my mother received a late night phone call from a family member informing her of some tragic news. One of my cousins was involved in a fatal car accident, and his mother was on the trip with us. Watching my mother tell her sister the horrible news was one of the hardest things to watch. It’s been 3 weeks since, and it’s still hard to believe he’s gone.
My mother and aunt made an emergency flight home the following day, and I returned to the states a couple days later.
My vacation was full of so many unexpected situations, but overall it was a good time. I was back in the U.S. and back to the real world. Back to the realization that residency would start in less than a week, but not before one more hoorah.
Back in Louisiana, I had a graduation party with friends and family who weren’t able to make it to my ceremony in Georgia. It was great to see family, old friends, teachers, and so many others who had supported me throughout the years. We celebrated with good food, good drinks, good music and plenty of memories. It was bittersweet. Although my cousin who passed was not there physically, I know he was smiling down. I know he would have added so much life to the party. He is greatly missed!

Graduation, vacation, and celebratory events were now over, and it was time for residency orientation. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this post, as I take you on my journey over the last two weeks of orientation. For now, I’ll enjoy the rest of my day. I start seeing patients on Monday, and I am excited! The calm before the storm…
Have a great Saturday!
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