In case you missed this live, check it out below. Fast forward to 3:00. Enjoy!
Articles by thedoctorjb
5 Reasons to Get Involved
- Information: Gain information about your specialty, techniques, procedures, policies, and get the latest updates in your field. There’s such breadth of things to learn while attending conferences.
- Motivation: Hear from powerful speakers, experts, and accomplished individuals in your field who have encouraging and uplifting words after overcoming insurmountable odds. For instance, at the AAFP conference, I was inspired to become more of an advocate for my patients by listening to some amazing speakers who have taken a personal stance in Washington, DC for certain health policies.
- Representation: Serve in leadership roles on behalf of your school, residency program, hospital, etc. While at the conference, I noticed that minority representation in leadership roles was lacking. If you want organizations to take notice of the needs of people who look like you or share the same values, it is vital to become a leader. Remember, “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”
- Socialization (networking): Meet like-minded individuals and also catch up with old friends. Remember, it’s not always what you know, it’s often who you know. For example, the AAFP conference invited residency programs and hospitals to exhibition booths, which was a great way to connect with future employers. I also met some awesome medical students who were interested in my residency program, and I was able to exchange contact info with them.
- Vacation: Take a few days to get away from the stress of school/work and recharge. I am currently dabbling in photography, so my camera goes everywhere I go. At the AAFP conference, I was able to explore the city and get some good photos along the way…and did I mention eat some great food?

Don’t Look in the Rear View Mirror
Hey yall! Guess who passed the COMLEX Level 3 board exam last month and is now eligible to be licensed in the state of Georgia? Yep, me! God is so good! So let me back up and tell you the story, before I get carried away.
I took my exam at the beginning of June. I had to really put in work and manage my time wisely while wrapping up first year of residency and studying for boards. I studied using some of the methods I talked about in a prior blog post (check it out here). I also had one of my attendings and my advisor hold me accountable and check in with me weekly to discuss my studying progression. Overall, I knew I put in the time and work while preparing, but I was still nervous. I always get nervous before big exams, and I will admit that I have test taking anxiety. I have a routine on exam days where I get up early, call my parents who pray with me, and then put on my pre-exam music playlist to get my mind right. So the time came, and I sat down at the computer to tackle this 8-hour exam ahead of me. I said another quick prayer, and got to work.
Things started off pretty well during the first sections. When I got to section 4, right before the lunch break, I hit a brick wall. I quickly realized that I had taken too much time in the prior sections and was running out of time. Each section has 50 questions, and I got to about question 30 of the fourth section and only had 10 minutes left. There was no way in the world I’d be able get through the remaining 20 or so questions in 10 short minutes. I have never had a panic attack before in my life, until that moment. My heart started to race, I had trouble breathing, my mouth was dry, and my hands and legs were shaking uncontrollably. I tried to calm myself down and use visualization techniques to get it together. However, the more I tried to close my eyes and focus, the more my eyes drifted to the ever-winding clock. I came up with a quick strategy, and with about 2 minutes left on the clock, I planned to go through the remaining questions and just randomly choose B for each answer. Unfortunately, I still had a few questions at the end of the section that I did not get to answer. Alas, the clock went to 0:00 and it was time for lunch.
I pushed myself up from the chair with my sweaty, shaky hands and wobbly legs and staggered to the break room. My heart was still pounding out of my chest and I felt like I needed an inhaler, and I don’t even have asthma. At this point, I had no appetite, but knew I needed to eat something to make it through the 4 hours after the lunch break. I called my mom, who immediately sensed that something was wrong. I told her what happened and she calmly said, “Jay, listen to me. Don’t look in the rear view mirror.” I knew exactly what she meant. Early that morning before she and my dad prayed with me on the phone, she said the same thing, “Don’t look in the rear view mirror.” I had struggled with standardized testing before and had a habit of dwelling on the past. The anxiety and fear that came when taking board exams stemmed from my previous failures (more about that here ). Once you fail a board exam, you always have that experience in the back of your mind. My mother told me to forget about the things in the past, and focus on what was in front of me. As I sat in that break room, my mother’s words soothed me. I was reassured that everything would be okay. I went on to eat my lunch and reaffirmed God’s promises to me as I prayed in my head.
As I re-entered the testing room and sat at my computer, I took a deep breath and started the next section. I kept reminding myself not to look in the rear view mirror and not to focus on what happened before lunch. I went on to finish the rest of the exam without any issues with time. I was relieved that the exam was finally behind me, but I also was up against the month long dreaded wait for my exam score.
Fast forward to last week. I got the email that my score had been released. I was excited and a tad bit scared at the same time. I logged in to my account and scrolled down to see the words: PASSED. Can I tell you, how I almost rearranged my living room furniture from shouting?
I had spent a little over a month anxiously waiting, and even had a nightmare about this day. (I had a dream a while back that I failed.) The first thing I did was thank God! I could not stop saying, “Thank you Jesus,” because I knew it was only Him that brought me through that exam. The next thing I did was call my parents. They were just as excited as I was. I then texted/called my friends and attendings to share the good news.
My purpose in sharing this very personal story with you is simple. No matter what you happen to face in life, and no matter how difficult or impossible that situation may seem, DON’T LOOK IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR. It’s okay to reflect on how far you’ve come, but do not dwell on previous failures. The Apostle Paul said it best: “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” -Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT)
It’s Been a Long Time, I Shouldn’t Have Left You…
Hey yall! Peep that Aaliyah and Timbaland reference. It’s been WAAAYYYY too long since my last blog post. So much has happened since my last post in January. First off, I’ve finished my first year of residency and I am officially a 2nd year resident! One down, two more to go! Woooo-hooooo!
I’ve learned to manage my clinic patients’ high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes (the trinity for family medicine). I’ve done numerous ultrasound-guided knee injections in the clinic, and also used ultrasound to confirm intrauterine pregnancy on my preggo patients. I’ve followed my first OB continuity patient throughout her pregnancy and delivered her sweet baby. I’ve biopsied and excised skin cancers. I’ve laughed and also cried with patients. I even had a patient and his wife bring me bags of fresh kale from their garden (good southern hospitality). From school sports physicals to nursing home visits, I’ve had a blast.
Creating the Perfect Rank Order List
So you’ve made it to 4th year of med school and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Time to finalize your rank list of residency programs. I’ve created an infographic below for tips on creating the perfect rank list. Good luck to all!
Happy December…or is it?
From Rejection to Promotion
About 4 months ago, I sat down and talked to my fellow Louisianan, Danielle Ward, a 3rd year medical student. We chatted about her journey to and through medical school thus far. She has overcome many obstacles and is such an inspiration. Watch how this single mom, went from rejection to promotion, and is now the National President – Elect of Student National Medical Association for the 2017 academic year. Check out her story below:
From Rejection to Promotion from thedoctorjb on Vimeo.
Be sure to follow Danielle on Twitter @minoritydoctor, on IG @LSUsweetheart and visit her blog at!
Vaginas, Babies, Cool Weather, and Nappy Hair
Hey everyone! So, I’ve wrapped up my first week of my OB/GYN block. Those close to me know that I’m geeked, because I absolutely love OB/GYN (well maybe less GYN and more OB). I was THIIIIISSSS close to applying to OB/GYN residency programs, but realized I wasn’t about that life. Not trying to wake up in the middle of the night or early morning when your baby decides to enter the world. Additionally, I love family medicine too much to limit myself to strictly womens’ health.
Anywho, I’ve spent the past 4 months at a hospital that partners with my residency hospital. My program is a rural track, which means I spend about 5 months at a neighboring hospital, and the remainder of my training is at my home institution. This means that I’ve had to drive almost an hour each way every day for the last 4 months. I am now back at my home hospital that is located less than 10 minutes away from my house. I don’t know how to act leaving my house after the sun is up. I digress….anyway….this week has been fun! There’s no greater feeling than getting up every morning loving what you do. Work is not work, and I’m getting paid to do something that I genuinely enjoy!
I’ve seen my share of gynecology patients in clinic. I’m kind of over vaginas and PAP smears, but I enjoy educating women on their bodies and health. I’ve delivered some babies and performed some c-sections this week. I also got to scrub in to a hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy case using the DaVinci surgical system. My hospital is one of few in the area that uses this system. This was my first time seeing the DaVinci in action, and I was impressed! It is minimally invasive, and allows for a quick recovery time for the patient. My attendings and ancillary staff at my hospital are so excited to have residents for the first time. (My residency program is new, and I’m in the inaugural class.) I am allowed so much autonomy and get to do as much as I want regarding procedures and patient care. It’s been a great week so far!
Being that I don’t have to travel as far for work this block, I had time to run errands and get some much needed grocery shopping done yesterday evening. I even got a chance to make my mama’s peach cobbler recipe (even though I’m supposed to be eating healthier). The fall weather is here in South GA, and I woke up to the crisp, clean breeze and sound of leaves on my patio this morning. It doesn’t get any better than that. Fall is my favorite time of year.
Well, that is all for now. Just a quick update. Now off to tackle this hair of mine, then studying. I should have gotten an early start. It’s wash day, and my natural hair sistahs can relate to wash day being an all day affair.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Until next time…
Good night, sleep tight!
Hey yall! I hope your weekend was great, and you are winding down for the start of another work week tomorrow. So, I was off this weekend, and had a blast! What did I do? SLEEP! Yes, I said SLEEP! I did go to the movies on Saturday (“Birth of a Nation” was a great film, by the way). I also went to church this morning, but other than that I chilled at home all weekend. It was much needed. Twelve hour shifts for 12 days straight on inpatient medicine had been taking a heavy toll on me. I absolutely LOVE going to work every day, but I had been burning the midnight oil. I would get home and read/study until midnight or sometimes later, then wake up at 5:00am to get ready for the day. After a while, I ended up drinking more and more caffeine to function. Yes, I knew better, and I felt guilty. When I was awake I felt like I should be getting some rest, and when I contemplated going to bed early, I couldn’t help but think about all the things I needed to do.
While driving home from work on Wednesday night, it really hit me. I felt like I was in a daze. I wasn’t sleepy, due to a huge amount of caffeine consumption, but mentally I was foggy. This was a dangerous cycle! I realized that I could not be my best self, for me or my patients, without getting enough sleep. Not to mention, the weather started to cool down here in Georgia, and I felt myself getting sick. The post-nasal drip crept up on me without warning. As a doctor, I know the adverse effects of sleep deprivation, but was too stubborn to adhere to my own medical advice. Insufficient sleep can lead to cognitive impairment, poor mood, and depressed breathing responses. These may result in reduced performance, increased risk for accidents and death, and overall have detrimental psychological and physical effects.
When I arrived home on Wednesday, I vowed that I would go to bed at a reasonable hour. So what, I didn’t read that article or review those questions…I needed to sleep, so I did. When I woke up Thursday, my body was thankful. The mental fog had lifted, and I felt refreshed. I felt like a new person, all because of appropriate sleep.
My point is, take care of yourself the best you can. Go to bed; get some sleep! You don’t have to get everything checked off your to-do-list in one day. It will be there tomorrow.
Have a good night, everyone! Sleep tight. I’m going to bed!
Cirelli, C. Insufficient sleep. In: UpToDate, Post, TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2016
Before You Re-apply…
You’ve worked hard and spent money on review courses, and you still didn’t get in to medical school? No need to stress out. Make sure you complete this checklist before you re-apply. Similar principles hold true when applying for residency programs. Contact me here for more information, individual questions, and other tips. I’d be happy to help.